Liberty Freedom Foundations Booking Form

Our Liberty Freedom Foundations Course has been designed to help you improve with your liberty work. Commit to all three weekends and see the progressions in both you and your horse. Spaces are limited so groups are kept small.

Nov 23-24 Building Connections
Our first weekend is designed to really set you and your horse up. We dive into gaining and keeping the connection with your horse which forms the basis of all our liberty work. During this weekend you learn how manage your own body position and energy to help build draw and influence your horse.
Dec 14-15 Creating Flow

This weekend builds on the previous one and starts to piece everything together. Maintaining connection and building duration you will now have your liberty foundations well on their way. We will start to introduce obstacles and lateral movements. At the end of this clinic you will set yourself some goals to go away and practice before we come back and meet again.

Jan 11-12 Unleashing Potential
During this final clinic we will look at the goals you set yourself and assist you on your journey to fulfill them. Whether you have goals of just making life easier for yourself in the paddock or you want to be the next Liberty Superstar this series will assist you.


Limited spaces available- Booking in advance is necessary
Cost $1050
includes Camping if paid in full

Venue: Wild Thyme Horsemanship
224 Tutukau Road, Mihi, Reporoa.