Hey, I'm Ellie!
I help horse owners like yourself gain a better understanding of how their horses think and act in order to help solve issues they might be facing.
I specialise in liberty training but can help you with all manner of problems both on the ground and in the saddle. Or maybe you just need assistance to help build a really strong relationship with you horse; I can help!
Ellie uses skills & knowledge gained through years of learning from many different teachers & horses.
She has a fusion of styles including traditional pressure & release, energy & breath work coupled with positive reinforcement.
Drawing from such a wide knowledge base, Ellie can meet you & your horse where you’re at & help you to move forward using methods & tools that fit your hands well
It was inevitable that Ellie would grow up with a love of horses, coming from a horse loving family in the UK, horses have always been a part of her life. It was not a hugely competitive upbringing, but one of fun, adventures and stickability.
The journey begins with that one horse
When Ellie met baby in 2008 it was love at first sight. The childhood dreams of riding the firey red headed arab had come true. It was a dream that soon became a reality of realisation however, Realising that her new horse was not a happy one and the dreams of competing or getting out an about in a realaxed manner were a long way off. Ellie’s quest to find the knowledge to help her horse had her start her horsemanship journey with Parelli Natural Horsemanship. The journey took her to many different instructors in all parts of the world but the next part of the journey was where the magic started to happen.

More horses and the addition of more skills
The more horses Ellie began to work with the more her skills improved, imprinting a calm confidence to those equines. The introduction of additional skill sets such as clicker training, an understanding of the science of learning and biomechanics and coupling that with energy and breath work have assisted Ellie on her journey.
Ellie now owns five horses at her property in the Central North Island of New Zealand. Each horse holds a special place in her heart.